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Healing & Succeeding
The place where healing and big dreams come together!
- Created for trauma and abuse survivors, by a survivor.
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Erika Sardinha
3 min read
Running on Empty? 3 Signs You're Overgiving and It’s Time to Refill Your Cup
Have you ever been in a situation where you gave someone so much that they kept taking more without ever stopping to consider whether you...
Erika Sardinha
4 min read
3 Lessons I Learned Trying to Fix Toxic Relationships (and Failing)
One ' fun fact ' about me is that I had a role assigned to me at birth, which is normal, you know? We all have a role appointed to us...
Erika Sardinha
3 min read
A 4-Step Guide to Effectively Setting Boundaries in Relationships
One thing we can all agree on is that boundaries are essential to the health of any relationship. They set the pace for how you want to...
Erika Sardinha
5 min read
Being Family Does Not Justify Abuse - Reshaping Family Relationships
When I was in primary school, I dreaded father's day. Every school year, with no exception, the teacher would warm up the class with an...
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